Sydney Bolstad

"Take care of your friends, because they are the most precious things in the world…"

Me llamo Sydney Bolstad! ?Como estas usted?


  • I love to draw! I am fairly good at drawing animals, but I prefer drawing people (specifically anime).
  • Reading is one of my all time favorite past times!!
  • I really enjoy acting. I love the fact that once you enter the auditorium, once you step onto that stage, you don't exist. You are temporarily buried deep inside, and you can be who ever you so choose to be.
  • I could sit around and watch anime all day (I choose not to, though, because I have a life I have to live.).

TV Shows/Movies

  • I practically worship (not literally) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It portrays the love between two brothers, as they fight to gain what was lost. Sacrifices are made, loyalties are tested. I love the raw emotion behind the series, and the creativity that was used to bring it to life. It's a strong testament to how strong family is.
  • I adore Fairy Tail. The pure humor behind it is spectacular, and it strongly teaches of loyalty and friendship. Throw in magic and a flying, talking blue cat… You've got a recipe for something amazing!
  • Doctor Who…. What more needs to be said? It's a work of art! Absolutely Fantastic!!


As the Doctor once said; "Books are the greatest weapons…". He was absolutely correct. Knowledge is power. I love to read!! I am particularly fond of fiction, but I'll read just about anything. From wild adventures that keep you on the edge of your seat, to enjoyable mysteries that leave you pining for more. It's always left me in awe. The ability of some authors to leave your head spinning and your heart yearning for more. A good book allows you to travel to new, exciting worlds beyond our reach, but a great book doesn't give you any choice.

A Brighter Future

I have many dreams for my future. There's just so many great things to choose from, I can't decide on one single thing. When I grow up and am with the task of choosing a job, I hope to find something enjoyable. I have many ambitions in life. I want to be an art teacher. I want to be a manga artist. I want to be an author. I want to be a school psychologist. (Ugh!… so many wants) It will require a lot of work, but I'm fairly confident, and I have some pretty amazing people backing me up.


Picture Created By: allanimemangaquotes on tumblr.

Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfiction
Fairy Tail Fanfiction
Purdue Owl

(Now, you're probably thinking I'm pretty childish and weird. I mean, who in their right mind reads fanfiction?… I do! And I'm proud of it! Writing fanfiction will also hopefully help me in my career in writing, so yeah. It's a win-win situation.)

Class Work

Research Notes S. Bolstad
Class Work S. Bolstad
Informative Essay-S. Bolstad

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